Alex Stonehill

Associate Director

Alex Stonehill is a homegrown Seattleite and a proud product of Seattle Public Schools. Growing up, he spent his summers commercial salmon fishing in Alaska.

He got hooked on multimedia journalism while living in New York City post-9/11, a career that took him to over a dozen countries including Ethiopia, Russia, Pakistan, Syria and Iraq. In 2012 he helped to found The Seattle Globalist, a community media organization addressing issues of representation. In 2013 he co-directed Barzan, an award-winning feature documentary about an Iraqi-American family in suburban Seattle caught up in a terrorism accusation.

Alex began teaching journalism and storytelling in UW Department of Communication in 2010. In 2017 joined Comm Lead full-time, later earning the Communities & Networks degree himself.

He now serves as Associate Director, with a focus on developing community partnerships and applied learning opportunities for students, while also overseeing the Communication Leadership program’s brand.

Book a meeting with Alex about:

  • Applied learning opportunities
  • Working during your studies (including jobs with Comm Lead)
  • Communication, marketing and digital media support for your organization from our grad students
  • Suggestions for improving Comm Lead website and other communication