Hire Our Students

Many of our students are looking for the next step in their careers. Let us know if you are hiring and we can connect you to our community of experienced communications professionals.

Hire a student or an alum

Our community is interested in full-time and part-time positions, paid internships, and project-based work. Student experience and skill levels vary from expert to early career professionals, so all positions are welcome. Fill out the form below and we’ll promote your job in our weekly digest sent to 1000+ students and alumni every Monday.

Host a First Friday

Get to know us! We invite you to host a “First Friday” — a monthly networking event for our students and alumni to learn about Seattle-area businesses and build relationships with potential employers. Partner organizations host us in their space (or virtually), showcase their current work, and promote opportunities within their organization. These events typically draw 60-100 graduate students or alumni and take place October-May. Fill out the form below to get started.

Fill out the form below to get started.

Questions? Contact Head of Outreach Liyao Zhao at liyaoz1@uw.edu