Peter Skillman

Affiliate Instructor

Peter Skillman is a passionate design leader focused on building innovative organizations by unlocking the creative potential of other people. He leverages over 30 years of experience at the start-up scale and large corporate context and most recently was the Director for User Experience Design (UX) for Amazon Web Services (AWS). He led the ABC Nightline special report on innovation, the IDEO “Deep Dive”, a 30min special on innovation that is shown regularly across the world at business and design schools to explain the creative process. Peter is an inventor of the “Design Challenge” and presented on the main TED stage in 2006 – TED 2006 Design Challenge – (featured in Daniel Coyle’s Best-selling 2019 Book “Culture Code”). After he ran the exercise for >2000 people of various backgrounds, he had an epiphany. The highest performing group of all – Kindergarteners, performed better than the worst preforming group of all…Business School students. The thesis? Kindergarteners do not waste time with status trying to understand who will be in charge and take a playful bias towards action that is relevant in every business context.

Peter has led design teams at IDEO Product Development (an internationally recognized Design Consultancy), Handspring, Palm Computing, Nokia, HERE Maps, Microsoft (Windows 10 Core UX Design, Outlook and Skype Consumer) and Amazon AWS (with >180 Cloud Services).