Richard McLean

Part-Time Lecturer

Richard McLean is the Founder & Creative Director of Relay Station, a company focused on the production of interactive live streams designed to build community. He is currently the Technical Director for the television show ‘Homemade Live!’ which airs nationally on PBS.

With a career spanning 13 years in the industry and having collaborated with iconic brands like Amazon, Google, Microsoft, Reddit, and Dungeons & Dragons, Richard brings a wealth of practical live stream production insights to his teaching.

Richard is a former Comm Lead student, receiving an MCDM degree in 2020. He also holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in English from Western Washington University.

Guided by the wisdom of thought leaders such as Priya Parker and Charles Vogl, and inspired by human-centered design philosophies from giants like IDEO and Michael Lewrick, Richard’s approach looks beyond the technical execution of production and focuses on how live broadcasts and virtual events can build community and foster meaningful connections.