KD Hall

Affiliate Instructor

KD Hall co-founded her communications firm KD Hall Communications, LLC in 2015 and has since been extremely impactful across corporate and government sectors. Her communications firm specializes in public relations, storytelling, and organizational development. KD also co-founded KD Hall Foundation in 2015, since its inception they have been extremely impactful across the corporate and private sectors and the community at large. As a result, the KD Hall team have been invited to the White House, received 20 proclamations, and successfully guided sixty students through an experiential internship for producing three Women on The Rise conferences as well as four Women’s History Month conferences.

KD is a member of the Washington State Women’s Commission Task Force and the 2019 Cohort Women on the Watch recipient from the 425 Magazine. She holds a Bachelor’s degree in Mass Communication with a minor in Broadcasting Journalism, an MBA and a Master in Adult Education—Leadership and Training.