We’re Standing Against Anti-Asian Hate

From Communication Leadership Director Dr. Ekin Yasin:

The killings last month in Atlanta are a stark and horrific example of the racism faced by members of Asian and Asian American communities. These events are a part of a concerning increase in racist attacks since the start of the pandemic — Seattle is among the cities where such a rise has been substantial. These attacks build on a shameful legacy of anti-Asian racism in our region, and across the country.

We stand in solidarity with all members of Asian communities, and especially with our students, faculty and staff. Our program condemns the hateful attitudes that these events represent.

No one should fear for their lives, be concerned for their safety, or be subject to harassment based on their ethnicity, gender expression, physical appearance, or any other characteristic.

As a learning community, we are committed to be a hub for creating best practices in advocacy, leadership, and in community-building, toward the anti-racist future that we all deserve.

In our classes, including our current core class, we’re committed to providing opportunities for students to build platforms, events and projects that address these difficult issues.

We know that this ongoing violence traumatized and impacted our community members directly. In response, we aim to be a resource and provide a network of support for any student, alumni, and community members. We are here for you.

Later this Spring, Communication Leadership and the Department of Communication plan to host a listening session between Asian-American journalists and activists to unpack how these issues of bias and violence are treated by the media, and how we can do better as communicators. The event will be followed by an open space for reflection. Stay tuned for details.

Please review the links below for more information and other resources:

President Cauce’s statement on the Atlanta attacks

Comm Lead Diversity Statement and Resources

Our Community Feedback Form

To set up one-on-one with Director Ekin Yasin: https://calendly.com/ekiny

To set up one-on-one with Associate Director Gretchen Ludwig: gludwig.youcanbook.me